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Porsche Sounds (Special Edition)

Porsche Sounds (Special Edition). This book has lavish illustrations and the added bonus of a CD with original Porsche engine sounds which will fuel the Porsche enthusiast. A book review by Marcel Haan.

Porsche Sounds Special Edition

Porsche Sounds Special Edition

When we did our 'Porsche theme month' last year at CarArtSpot, I became intrigued by the famous Porsche 917. Possibly the most prestigious of all the Porsche race cars. Also for its' colours. I think I have seen virtually all possible colour schemes pass by in Porsche paintings and sculptures at CarArtSpot and although I watched the movie Le Mans in which Steve McQueen drove the car to success, I never really knew what the car would sound like. So when I received the book Porsche Sounds which includes a CD, I zoomed into the first track to see if the sound met up to my expectations. And I was surprised; the sound was far less brutal then I had expected and almost a bit sophisticated.

Porsche Sounds Special Edition

Porsche Sounds Special Edition

The title of this book says it all “Porsche sounds”. Going through the history of Porsche, starting with the Porsche 356 Roadster, it follows the several designs and models displaying images and texts with sound recordings which is a real added bonus and certainly enriches your Porsche reading experience. It includes the production models as well as cars like the 959 Paris Dakar and the RS Spyder. And while most Porsche fans will already know the brand history and possibly not learn anything new from this book, the accompanying CD makes it unique. Comparing the different sounds and trying to distinguish the models is just pure fun. A perfect gift for any Porsche fan.

Porsche Sounds Special Edition

Porsche Sounds Special Edition

Porsche Sounds Special Edition

Porsche Sounds Special Edition

Published by earBOOKS and available here.

- ISBN-13: 9783943573190

Author: D. Landenberger

Marcel Haan

Marcel Haan

Founder and Owner of CarArtSpot, blogger and entrepreneur. With a passion for people and art. Every week Marcel interviews leading automotive artist and shares their stories at CarArtSpot.


  1. Jos de Jong 11 February, 2016 at 17:38 Reply

    11 februari 2016:
    Hallo Marcel, wat ontzettend leuk om je berichten te lezen over onder andre het boek Porsche Sounds. Ala jaren ben ik verantwoordelijk voor de marketing en sales van dit bedrijf en promoot alle verschillende disciplines bij vooral bedrijven. De boekehandels cover ik niet; dat doet Van Ditmar.
    Als ik je ergens mee van dienst kan zijn, laat het me even weten. Ik hoop van harte dat ik je ergens mee kan helpen.
    Beste groeten,
    Jos de Jong
    Just in Time Business Communications
    Tel: 06-5187.5226

    • Marcel Haan
      Marcel Haan 16 February, 2016 at 20:00 Reply

      Beste Jos, dankjewel voor je bericht. Dit was inderdaad een erg leuk boek om een review over te doen.

      Hartelijke groet, Marcel

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