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Alloy Motors - A Burning Passion

Geoff Gates at Alloy Motors has a burning passion. He's an optimist, is extremely creative and driven and with his multiple skills as a manager and craftsman and his clear vision, Alloy Motors is definitely on the map. Marcel Haan went to see these automotive pieces of art for himself.

REALLY being spoiled for choice now. After an exhilarating visit to Patrick Ottis and MOAL Coachbuilders, our final stop is at Geoff Gates Alloy Motors. 

Doing things in a different way and taking brave decisions seems to be the credo of Alloy Motors.

Owner Geoff had a very successful career and won a number of prestigious prizes in advertising.  Growing up in his dad’s body shop back in Detroit, his love for cars was second nature. Besides his advertising job, he always had a car project on the go, working late hours and weekends in his garage.

Over the years he developed a vision on automotive design, which was different from the main stream. So he took the brave decision to give up his career and start his own custom shop.

As we drive up to Oakland CA to meet Geoff, Alberto shares the story of how the two of them met. Alberto needed a studio and a shop to work on his supercar and Geoff happened to have space available. It didn’t take long for them to realize that although they both shared a vision, they had very different approaches which could compliment each other and Alberto started to create designs and sketches for Alloy.

Dart Vader - Photo by Alloy Motors

Dart Vader - Photo by Alloy Motors

As we walk into the tool shop, my eyes are immediately drawn to the very black car on the right. Wires are everywhere and boxes of new parts fill the trunk.  After a brief introduction Geoff tells me that this car is “Dart Vader”.  Right now they are preparing the car for SEMA, where it will be shown at the Ron Francis Wiring booth. Hence all the new wiring.

In another corner, covered by plastic, is a GT40. “This car is from a friend of mine” Geoff explains. It started with a kit, which they of course completely upgraded.

GT 40 Alloy Motors

GT 40 Alloy Motors

To demonstrate this, he fired up the engine. “I’m in love!” what a beautiful sound. No wonder the owner frequently takes it out on the weekends cruising through California.

Another project is this Chevy. With a brand new chassis, engine and interior, the old body is given a second life. The owner, who just retired, plans to take it on a tour through the US to visit all the friends he made through the years. That is going to be a wonderful trip!

Project Chevy at Alloy Motors

Project Chevy at Alloy Motors

Project Chevy at Alloy Motors

Project Chevy at Alloy Motors

Another project Alberto and Geoff are working on together is this project titled “Dart Side Of the Moon”.

Project Dart Side Of The Moon at Alloy Motors

Project Dart Side Of The Moon at Alloy Motors

Alloy Motors Project - Sketch by Alberto Hernandez

Alloy Motors Project - Sketch by Alberto Hernandez

The Alloy team are working from this sketch by Alberto Hernandez.

With the passion and energy of Geoff leading Alloy motors to unknown heights, I am confident that we will hear much more about Alloy motors cars and designs. If you happen to go to SEMA, make sure you see Dart Vader and please say hi to Geoff from me.

Alberto Hernandez and Geoff Gates at Alloy Motors

Two Like Minded Souls - Alberto Hernandez and Geoff Gates at Alloy Motors

Interested in seeing more of their cars? Check their website here www.alloymotors.com

A big thanks to Geoff for having me at his shop and Alberto for introducing me.

Other links:

Don't forget to read the first and second parts of my trip to San Francisco.

Marcel Haan

Marcel Haan

Founder and Owner of CarArtSpot, blogger and entrepreneur. With a passion for people and art. Every week Marcel interviews leading automotive artist and shares their stories at CarArtSpot.

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