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Making a Morgan written by Andreas and Dagmar Hensing.

I find it fascinating that a small company like Morgan survived all the decades of change in the automotive industry, while continuing to establish a very well known brand. So I was looking forward to getting to know more. Veloce Publishing just released a new book “Making a Morgan’ written by Andreas and Dagmar Hensing.

Making a Morgan written by Andreas and Dagmar Hensing.

Making a Morgan written by Andreas and Dagmar Hensing.

As you might know, each car is made in almost the same way as it was done before WWII. A steel chassis with a wooden frame and a metal body. They produce around 500 cars per year in a factory in Malvern in Worchestershire. Of course this book, like so many car books, starts with the history of the brand.  I particularly liked the photo of Dorothy, the sister of the founder Harry Morgan, in the protoype of the Morgan three-wheeler. These three wheelers, in a much more modern version are still being produced at Morgan.

Making a Morgan written by Andreas and Dagmar Hensing.

Making a Morgan written by Andreas and Dagmar Hensing.

Morgan build “pure” cars. They have this unique combination of classic and fresh design. It feels like a tribute to the past. Well especially the Morgan Aeromax, designed in 2005 by Matthew Humphries who had completed an apprenticeship in the Morgan works. The design was a homage to the legendary Bugatti Type 57 SC Atlantic.

Making a Morgan written by Andreas and Dagmar Hensing.

Making a Morgan written by Andreas and Dagmar Hensing.

As said, Morgans are being built in the traditional way and the following 110 pages document the production process step by step. Photos, text and interviews with the different craftsman add to the personality of the brand. It makes the reader appreciate the dedication each worker at Morgan has for his or her car. Day by the day the production process is followed, from the chassis to the wood work, from the body to the painting.

Making a Morgan written by Andreas and Dagmar Hensing.

Making a Morgan written by Andreas and Dagmar Hensing.

Making a Morgan written by Andreas and Dagmar Hensing.

Making a Morgan written by Andreas and Dagmar Hensing.

Making a Morgan written by Andreas and Dagmar Hensing.

Making a Morgan written by Andreas and Dagmar Hensing.

Making a Morgan written by Andreas and Dagmar Hensing.

Making a Morgan written by Andreas and Dagmar Hensing.

A lovely book. Available at Veloce Publishing. ISBN: 978-1-845848-73-6

Marcel Haan

Marcel Haan

Founder and Owner of CarArtSpot, blogger and entrepreneur. With a passion for people and art. Every week Marcel interviews leading automotive artist and shares their stories at CarArtSpot.

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